Thursday, 28 June 2012

First day at New Designers

So the first day at New Designers was a relative success. We may not have won any awards but some students at Derby University have had some interest from some very big names such as Jimmy Choo and Radley.

Comments on this years show: Digital print is clearly going to be huge next season as almost everyone has print designs, there are very few weave and knit designers showing this year. The level of quality is incredible though, it really is the best of the graduates in the country.

On a side note, I am happy to announce that I recieved my final University Classification. BA (Hons) Textile Design, 2:1 !!!

Sunday, 10 June 2012

New Designers

I found out yesterday that I have been selected out of 14 people from the course to show my work at New Designers in London at the end of the month! I'm so excited to be able to show my work along side some of the best graduates from the UK. Its so amazing to have such a great oppertunity like this. Come on London!

Monday, 4 June 2012

Final Degree Show Part 2

So, the degree show is up and running at the moment after days of hard labour and perfecting our displays. I'm so pleased with the end result and hope you enjoy/enjoyed it too (if you were able to make it).

The private viewing held on the 1st of June marked the end of a 3 year journey through University and the start of a new one into the world of work. It was amazing to see how far my course mates and I have come from September 2009, the skills we have all gained, the significant style each of us have acquired but most of all, the life long bonds we have. I knew that the day would come to say good bye to it all, I never thought it would come this soon, and I am sad to leave it behind, but I'm so excited to see whats out there and embrace what ever is thrown at me.

Private Viewing at the "Odyssey Degree Show", 01.06.2012

Deciding a layout for the show before the private view